Tag: Families

Africa Oyé 2024

Liverpool’s annual Africa Oyé music festival took place on the 22nd and 23rd June with a very colourful, fun and lively Oyé Active Zone!  A free, fun and vibrant celebration of arts and culture, Africa Oyé is a festival that takes place every year in Sefton Park, Liverpool and attracts thousands of people from all […] read more

Everybody Dance Now Autumn 2024

Everybody Dance Now, Again!  We’re massively grateful to Quartet Community Foundation for awarding funding to our Filwood Family Sessions, Everybody Dance Now.  With Quartet’s support, we can deliver another term of our free to access weekly dance and craft activities with our fantastic Filwood families.   Sessions re-commence on Thursday 26 September, 6 – 7pm at […] read more

People’s Postcode Lottery

Enabling community participation in the arts Between August 2022 to February 2024, Movema’s programme was supported by a Neighbourhood Trust grant from People’s Postcode Lottery.Read more about People’s Postcode Lottery Good Causes. The grant helped delivery our Core work is categorised in the following 4 key areas over 18 months. Cultural Communities: providing broad engagement […] read more

One Jam Troupe 2023

Our Bristol team are over the moon to be dancing at three events in a row this summer; Bristol Refugee Festival, St Pauls Carnival and Bristol Pride! This year we’re going big, collaborating with other local dance groups and organisations to create the One Jam Troupe. The troupe is a partnership between Movema’s World Fusion adult […] read more

Trinity After School Club

Movema Bristol are launching an after school club for children and their families in partnership with The Trinity. The club will take place on Tuesday between May- July 2023 at The Trinity Centre. Each week the sessions will start with a snack provided by Trinity, and a chance for people to chat and register. Followed […] read more

Lunar New Year 2023

Movema teams in Bristol and Liverpool are preparing to dance at multiple events to celebrate the Lunar New Year.This year hops from Water Tiger to Water Rabbit! Bristol Sunday 29th January 2023, 12pm – Bristol Museum & Arts Gallery.Everybody Dance Now dancers from Filwood Community Centre, Wawa Chen and RISE Youth Dance perform ‘Peacock & […] read more

Thanks to People’s Postcode Lottery

A massive thanks to the People’s Postcode Lottery for awarding Movema a Postcode Neighbourhood Trust grant, helping us to reach more people and deepen the impact of our work within communities. This funding supports Movema to run our high-quality world dance activities including; classes, performances and training from August 2022 for 18 months. Through this […] read more

New Partnership for Movema Bristol

Movema is partnering with Trinity, a community arts centre in East Bristol to deliver a year-long dance programme to local schools and community groups.The programme, made possible by support from the Coutts foundation, launches in Autumn 2022, with activities planned throughout 2023 and will work with children, young people and communities whose opportunity to take […] read more