
Award Winners!

We are delighted to have won the Arts and Media Award 2014 at Merseyside Black History Month Group’s Black Achievers Awards! Thanks to everyone who nominated and supported us and everyone who works with us, all of our volunteers and participants.  We are pleased to accept this on behalf of all of of you wonderful […] read more

New Yoga Class

Movema are pleased to offer a NEW yoga class for all levels age 16+. The sessions are Shiva Yoga a form of Hatha Yoga and will run on Thursday evenings 7-8pm at The Women’s Organiation. The cost is £4.50 /£4. Participants should wear comfortable clothes, bring a bottle of water and a jumper for the […] read more

Cultural Food Feast

On Saturday 12th October Movema community dancers will perform their Afro Fusion dance piece at the Cultural Food Feast as part of Merseyside Black History Month celebrations at The Palm House in Sefton Park, Liverpool. The group will be on stage at 1.15pm. And from 12-6pm there will be a day full of family fun […] read more

World Mental Health Day

Today at 1.30pm Movema will be in Williamson Square in Liverpool to be part of World Mental Health Day. For global mental health education, awareness and advocacy.  This day, each October thousands of supporters come to celebrate this annual awareness program to bring attention to Mental Illness and its major effects on peoples’ life worldwide […] read more

Afro Fusion Classes & Events

Wednesdays  6-7pm. A chance to learn African & Caribbean techniques mixed with commercial and street dance moves over 8 weeks, with opportunities to perform at local and international festivals. The dance classes will now be running in blocks of 8: 11th Sept to 30th Oct – Afro Fusion for Black History Month. Like the Sankofa […] read more

St Helens Summer Streets Festival

There was dancing in the streets of St Helens this weekend! Movema and partners provided a fun afternoon of dance, music and acrobatic performance and workshops for city centre shoppers and community. The programme included Bollywood and Flamenco performances, Movema’s Afro Fusion piece featuring various African Diaspora movement styles and special tricks and flips from […] read more

Part-Time Administrator

[box type=”pink”] Deadline 5pm Wed 2nd April 2014![/box] This is an exciting time for Movema. We have a busy class schedule, frequent workshop bookings and exciting projects and collaborations. We are working on Organisational Development supported by a range of partners.  And our team of skilled artists, trainees, volunteers and participants is growing steadily. To […] read more

Workshop at Bristol Harbour Festival

Saturday 27th July 12.30 – 1pm at the Participation Stage, Cathedral Walk (Millennium Square) Bristol Movema are leading their first public festival workshop in Bristol at the Dance Village at Bristol Harbour Festival.  Join Penny, Katie and Claire for a fun, FREE 30 minute trip around the world (suitable for all ages and abilities). Just […] read more

Crowds get active at Oyé

Thousands of people flocked to Sefton Park this weekend for Africa Oyé music and culture festival. Movema dancers entertained the crowds from the main stage and delivered workshops throughout the weekend from the Oyé Active Zone.  Participants of all ages joined our fun sessions including Afro Brazilian and Caribbean dance, Zumba and family fun with […] read more