Would you like an easy, effective way to enhance the delivery of your curriculum? Please complete the Booking Form to get Movema into your school!
6 Week Programme
Our exciting 6-week programme introduces children to the dance, culture, geography, history and languages of Spain, Ireland, China, India, West Africa and Brazil! Based on our acclaimed schools resource World in Box.
One hour per week for 6 weeks = £450
Full Day Workshop
Bring the benefits of World Dance to up to 5 year groups at a time by having Movema for a full day (9am-3pm).
1 session (2 artists) = £600
6 sessions = £2700
Maximum 30 pupils per workshop. Support staff must be present.
CPD Training
Learn how to teach World Dance with our experts
Movema provide CPD to teachers based on our World in a Box resource
Half Day = £300 Full Day = £450
Option 1: Complete the online booking form
Option 2: Email your request or enquiry to info@movema.co.uk
Option 3: Call 07548 365869

Feedback from Schools
“I found it very interactive and educational and it promotes culture and dance in line with the curriculum.”
Natalie Nicholas, Liverpool Councilor, Assistant Cabinet Member for Social Inclusion, Fairness & Equality
“Activity was well planned to specifically meet the needs of the school.
Price was excellent, Worth every penny. We heard about Movema from teachers in another school.”
Miss Alice Fitzpatrick, Year 4 Teacher, Our Lady’s Bishop Eton Primary School
“Excellent knowledge and content of session. Fulfilled the brief of what I requested. Prices are fair, comparable with other companies offering the same services. Would be interested in more workshops in the future and would recommend. Good session enjoyed by all!”
Rachel Doolan, Head of Languages, Bellerive FCJ Catholic College.
Winners of 2016 EPIC Award, Artsmark Supporter, Member of COoL.
Workshops focusing on one main dance style, or a group of dances from a geographical area, or with a shared pathway.
- Brazilian (including; Samba, Axé, Afro-Brazilian and Maculele with sticks)
- West African (including; Orishas movement, Sinte, Yankadi, Afrobeats)
- Latin & Caribbean (including; Afro-Cuban, partner dances such as Salsa, Carnival and scarf dances)
- Bollywood and Indian (including; Kathak, Bharatanatyam and Bollywood hits)
- Chinese (including; Classical fan/ribbon and dance inspired by Wu Shu & Tai Chi)
These workshops are a great way of expanding on a topic or class project by enhancing the participants understanding of a certain place or culture. Perfect to tie in with festivals such as Black History Month (October), Chinese New Year (February) or Diwali (November).
Dance Around the World in an hour!
A stimulating and invigorating trip to the four corners of the world! Participants can enjoy music and movements from around the globe from Carnival time in the Caribbean through to relaxing Yoga in India! This workshop celebrates similarities and differences, promoting understanding and value of other people and places.
- Rhythms and beats reflect the tempo and dynamic of other societies and cultures.
- Catchy songs with various voices and accents help to develop language skills.
- Shapes, poses and moves, mirror cultural images and heritage.
So, what else can Movema offer to enhance the delivery of your curriculum?
A. Pastoral Care and PSHE
Movema offers workshops, demonstrations and performances that cover the 5 key priorities towards Health and Wellbeing.
- Connect – Inclusion no matter of socio-economic background
- Be active – The promotion of good health, a work-out for the body and mind.
- Keep Learning – Creative methods of learning new skills about culture and diversity, that are cross curricular, supporting themes and subjects such as; geography and the environment, history, ICT, citizenship, health and wellbeing, religion, language, cultural studies, music, PE, and PSE.
- Give – Problem solving and teamwork via a new learning experience through practical and verbal educational cultural activities. Confidence building.
- Take Notice – Awareness and celebration of people, cultures, similarities and differences within the school and the wider community.
This workshop will enhance pupils’ understanding of its key concepts and equip them with a deeper understanding of and ability to improve their own health and wellbeing.
B. Humanities and Citizenship
Movema offers workshops that explore geographical and historical aspects of the curriculum. As our company has regularly participated in Black History Month and Chinese New Year festivals and, alongside participation in events like Africa Oyé and the Brouhaha International Carnival, we have a deep passion for helping to enhance young people’s understanding of the worlds in which they live.
C. Physical Education
Movema offers one-off classes and courses of classes that can incorporate World Dances and Zumba to enhance pupils’ enthusiasm for exercise. We can provide classes throughout the school day- whenever most convenient for staff and departments.
With the recent Olympics and Paralympic Games along with other large scale sporting tournaments as hot topics for young people and adults alike, Movema can support the understanding of different cultures and countries through workshop activities.
‘What is that fast footwork Ronaldinho does when he scores?!’
D. Modern Foreign Languages
We believe that alongside the language learning that takes place in schools, a trip through a country’s or people’s culture via dance, always serves to allow pupils a deeper understanding and appreciation of places these languages are spoken. For example, in schools that teach Spanish language Movema can provide Latin music and dance including Salsa (from Cuba) and Flamenco (from Spain) as well as incorporating songs, dress and history where appropriate.
‘Haced lo que decimos,
Moveos cuando digamos,
Preparados, listos, ya’
Movema regularly works with many schools and community groups, delivering a wide range of world dance activities.
Within a Movema workshop our dance and education specialists aim to provide a unique learning experience for participants regardless of their age, ability or background. As well as giving demonstrations and leading practical dance and movement activities from around the world, Movema’s teachers use realia such as; pictures, maps, costume, instruments, literature and songs where suitable, to deliver a comprehensive workshop, highlighting both the similarities and differences of each culture whilst being fun and engaging for all.
The Movema team have over 10 years teaching experience from early years to University and professional level, and are dedicated to continuous quality development to ensure we meet the needs of all of our clients.
Please complete the booking form to get dancing!