Primary Teacher CPD

FREE CPD EVENT exploring the teaching of world cultures through dance – book soon!

Date: Thursday 28th June 2016,
Time: 2.30pm – 3.15pm
3.45 – 5pm

Venue: LIPA Primary School

Movema, specialists in the use of world dance to explore world cultures in the primary school curriculum, invites you to a FREE CPD event on Thursday 28th January 2016, 2.30-4pm, hosted at LIPA Primary school by Greg Parker, HT.

This training event will make relevant links to real-life contexts and subjects across the curriculum. You will have the opportunity to try out new activities and strategies and think about how you can implement them into your school day to help pupils understand the world around them. Explore the use of world dance in the curriculum and classroom, and learn about our  World in a Box, including an observation with a year 1 class.

A focus of Ofsted is for schools to evidence exploration of world cultures, social & community cohesion  development of SMSC – it is now specifically referenced throughout Ofsted’s school inspection handbook. An ‘outstanding’ school will have a ‘thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development’.

Movema will share valuable experience and introduce our time-saving resource, World in a Box, containing ready-to-go lesson plans, music, video and props. It is designed by teachers for teachers so is very easy to use and adapt. The follow-along videos mean that world dance can be taught by anyone. The modules are cross-curricular too making them even more flexible as a resource as  they can be used through out the school for every year group. There is no limit to creativity and each group or individual can use the resources to make something new.


2.30pm – 3.15pm: Observation of World in a Box with Year 1 class

3.15 – 3.45pm: Refreshments, Q & A

3.45pm – 5 pm: Tools and techniques for using world dance and movement in the class room



“We have been delighted with the World in a  Box resource. It has lined really well into our Project Based Leading approach…The resource provides clear support and guidance to teachers and is easy to use in the classroom”. Head Teacher, LIPA Primary School.

View our introductory video

To book your CPD place/s email:

Please book soon to avoid disappointment.