‘Celebrate With Me’
For the third year running, South Gloucestershire will host “Celebrate With Me”, a day of festivities in Page Park with global music and dance performances, family crafts and food tasters, helping to create a place of welcome for local refugee communities.
Join us for this free day of celebration organised by The Nest at Bean Tree Cafe, Movema Bristol and South Gloucestershire Race Equality Network. Supported by South Gloucestershire Council, and in partnership with SGS College, Friends of Page Park and Bristol Refugee Festival and in collaboration with Bridges for Communities and Julian House.
Vibrant music will fill the day with joy, featuring a wonderful line up of performances and participatory workshops celebrating cultures from around the world, including people with lived experience from refugee communities. The activities will take part in and around the park’s bandstand and will be accessible for all people.
Performance Line up
And check out the Facebook Event for announcements in the lead up.

There will also be stalls for information and family activities run by South Gloucestershire Council departments including; Resettling Communities, Homes for Ukraine, Climate and Nature Emergency, Adult Social Care, Julian House, SGREN and other organisations including SGS College.
Food stalls including; Salha’s Sudanese Kitchen, Ababo’s Cuisine (Ethiopian) and Sunshine Graze (Jamaican).
Other Activities
There will also be Henna, Face paints, crafts and a presence from; Bridges for Communities, Bristol Refugee Festival, and South Gloucestershire Council services Public Health, and Equality & Education.
Refugee Week
‘Celebrate With Me’ takes place in the lead up to the Refugee Week 17-23 June 2024, a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.
In the South West, our event forms part of Bristol Refugee Festival with an amazing programme of activities happening around the city including an exciting event in Queens Square on Sunday 23rd June. Festival Programme
Getting to Page Park
There is easy access to Page Park by foot, bike or bus. It is enclosed by Broad Street, Hill House Road, Park Road and South View.
Please use sustainable transport where possible.
Peace Feast
As well as the festival day, Bean Tree Cafe will be hosting a ‘Peace Feast’ in partnership with Bridges For Communities on Thursday 6th June, the week before the festival. With music from Soufian Saihi and featuring Nasir and Sima’s famous homemade Afghan curry.
Get your tickets for the Peace Feast.