19th & 20th July 2013
@The Black-E, Liverpool
The ADAD (Association of Dance of the African Diaspora) Bloom Festival explores and celebrates dance from Africa and it’s Diaspora through performance, workshops and discussion.
The festival is held in cities across the UK and this year is coming to Liverpool. The event includes talks, film, open workshops, and an evening of performance that showcase a wealth of talent from around the UK, alongside international guests.
Performances. Friday 19th July. 6.30 – 9pm. £5
Movema will be coordinating a piece around the themes of Carnival performed by community dancers to professional dancers.
To be part of the performance, join World Dance Wednesday classes from 5th June (8 week block), 6-7pm @The Black-E. (new comers and drop-in welcome).
More info about World Dance Wednesdays
Workshops and Parade. Saturday 20th July. 11- 2.30pm. £5
Movema and Batala will be leading a family dance and drumming workshop followed by a mini parade around China Town.